Saturday, May 31, 2008

nut tree

Be careful when you walk under the trees in our never know what might fall out...

Friday, May 30, 2008

wildlife update

Does anyone care about this? I don't know. But the eggs in CT's tree have hatched and we are now the proud observers of four healthy baby robins. The kids really enjoy looking at them every day and talking to them through the window all of the time. I hope that even if you don't care about this miracle of life going on in my front yard, you will appreciate the picture since I nearly lost a finger trying to take it. Turns out robins are rather protective of their young, and they do not appreciate some crazy lady smashing her body into the tree to get a picture...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Memorial Day Parade

Both the babies loved the parade on Monday. There were probably 20 marching bands and neither of them were upset about the volume, which is *huge* for them, especially CT. (We have actually had to leave parades because of this in the past.) I think some of their favorites were Cub Scouts on scooters and the emergency vehicles of course. But CT's very favorite was the last vehicle of course....

the street sweeper!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

"Look, Mom...the verwy hungwy catah-piwwah!" Lil' A found this little caterpillar in the woods. And he did look exactly like the Eric Carle version, even with a red head and everything. "And he is verwy verwy frwendwy, too!"

Saturday, May 24, 2008

CT loves color mixing....

Friday, May 23, 2008

How could I forget this picture? This is one of the cupcakes after it has been enjoyed.

CT's school mascot is an owl, so we made owl cupcakes in a pretzel nest for the class picnic. Hooooot.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Teacher gifts.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Riding without training wheels.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I guess the robins decided to give us another chance.

Friday, May 16, 2008

mother's day at radio shack

If you ask CT what we did for Mother's Day, he will excitedly tell you about the five minutes he spent at Radio Shack. (We needed a new battery for the garage door opener- also VERY exciting.) Here he is by a large collection of switches and buttons, all organized by type and color coded. I love that he appreciates the organization of them. He had to open almost every drawer and examine, and test, each one. Prior to this Exciting Event we had been at Starbucks, with grandma P, playing Connect 4 for 2 hours. I thought that would be pretty cool for him but all I needed to do was let him poke around the Radio Shack I guess.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

after the rain....

Well, we made it through the last day of preschool. And although I cried behind my sunglasses, I never openly sobbed or wailed or threw myself onto the ground, so I guess that's good. The last few minutes of CT's day were really cute, he had very thoughtful teachers this year. They made a class book called 'When I Think of You...' and inside was each friend doing their favorite thing. For example, on one page it says "When I think of someone who likes to sharpen pencils..." and then you turn the page and it says "I think of Cole!" and has his picture. The teachers had one made for each student and it is a very sweet keepsake. I'll probably cry every time I read it.

In regards to the picture, it is corny and symbolic somehow I suppose but there really was that huge rainbow by our house this evening. I was excited about it so I sent it to 'Brant's Weather Photos' on the news, too. I hope they put it on.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Today Is The Day

Today is CT's last day of preschool. Well, until summer camp in one week but still. His last day of learning in an environment where play is priority and the natural world is the backdrop. His last day where it is okay for a little boy to play legos dressed as a beautiful bride. (He has never actually done this, but another little boy did and that was okay with everyone.) His last day where he is known and loved by all school staff, because there are only 80 kids in the school and they can do that. It feels like it's his last day to be little. His last day before being thrust into the world of public elementary school, where there will be 800 kids in the building and he could get lost going to the bathroom. Or locked in a locker. Or misunderstood. Or ignored. Or forgotten. Or given no time to be five, to play, to be *little* anymore.

Oh yeah, and here's a bunny update: they all got ripped apart by hawks.

*The picture is of a card I got at the arboretum for CT's teacher...I don't know who the artist is but if did I would give her/him credit here....*

Friday, May 9, 2008


My little baby leaving preschool after our 'Mother's Day Tea'. Two more days to go. Then comes the waterworks (mine) and saying goodbye. Then comes the severe depression and hopelessness (mine), having to face the harsh reality that my baby is all grown up. Then comes summer camp at school so for those 3 weeks, we'll be fine. Then we'll have to say goodbye again and get back on that rollercoaster. Driving out of that parking lot for the last time with him and hearing the gravel crunch beneath the tires... leaving the sweet smell of the woods... and the sound of those 100 year old oaks swishing their leaves as they bid him farewell...that moment is coming and it terrifies me. Xanax, anyone? Then Lil' A starts in the fall and we'll begin all over again...

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Suburban wildlife

Back yard:Seven baby bunnies in a tiny little hole. Their eyes are not even open yet. I want to eat them. Lil' A says she wants to "put them in a purse and carry them around foh-evah and evah". Yup. She's definitely my daughter.

Front yard: Robin's nest. We have been hoping for a long time for a nest in our yard. We have so many trees and never one nest! And what a perfect place for a nest. (Except for the kook with her hand inside taking a picture...) but iisn't this a perfect nursery backdrop for baby birds? Awwww....too bad the robins evacuated before they ever laid eggs. Can't imagine why....

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

It rained today.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Hole Update

The hole is now rectangular in shape and it has been confirmed that there is a pipe inside. A pipe that is not leaking. However, the tiolet above the pipe is suspected of being the source of the leak, although no one is quite sure how or why. So *thank you* Brother in law and Hubs for changing the seal. The water has stopped.

Monday, May 5, 2008

There's a hole in my ceiling, dear Liza.....

It started with alitle bubble. Why would there be a bubble in the kitchen ceiling? Then it turned into a water stain. Uh-oh. So Husband caulked the shower and we crossed our fingers. But the water mark grew. So then Husband picked at it.

And then he picked at it a little more. To see where the water was coming from. :::sigh:::

And then Husband got out a saw and cut a gaping hole in the ceiling. And concluded that there is indeed a pipe in the ceiling. A DRY PIPE THAT IS NOT LEAKING. So a very nice neighbor came over and looked. He and Husband checked the attic, the bathroom, and had some beer. Second opinion: not sure where that water is from. Not where the hole is!

So in conclusion, there is no conclusion. I am told that the hole will have to expand until the water is found. I gues that makes sense. But in the meantime I am looking for a good plumber and a place to stay....